CSS Basic selectors

Soumya Patil
2 min readMar 26, 2020


Universal Selector:

The universal selector selects all elements.

It is denoted using *

*{ color= "red"; }

The difference between the universal selector and if we use a class selector such as a bodyin which all the elements of the document are present is that:

body{ color= "red"; }

In the second case, the default browser styles do not get overridden.

Eg: The default browser style for <a href> will get override only with universal selector.

<a href="https://www.google.com"> Search </a>

a{ color= "blue"; text-decoration="underline";}

Class Selector:

Selects all the elements which are present inside that class.

There can be multiple elements with the same class name.

<div class="post">

.post{ background-color : yellow; }

This will give a yellow background color to all the elements which are inside the post class

Id Selector:

This selects the element which has got that particular id.

There can be only one element with a given ID in a file.

<div id=#header>

Adjacent Selectors:

The + combinator selects adjacent siblings. This means that the second element directly follows the first, and both share the same parent.

Eg : div + p

Selects all <p> elements that are placed immediately after <div> element.

Attribute Selectors:

Attribute Selectors are used to selecting elements with given attributes or values


Eg: Here all the atags present inside the div are targeted.

We can be more specific with the attributes such as by using ^we can select all the elements starting with the given attribute, also if we use $this will select all the elements ending with the specified elements


Selects every <a> element whose href attribute value begins with “https”


Selects every <a> element whose href attribute value ends with “.jpg”

Pseudo Class Groups:

There are 2 types of Pseudo-classes they are:

Pseudo Class Groups

Dynamic Pseudo Classes:

Allow us to style an element in relation to user actions, such as:

  • Whether a link is being hovered over
  • Whether a button is being pressed
  • Whether a tick box has been checked

Structural Pseudo Classes:

Allow us to style elements based on advanced structural techniques not possible from ordinary CSS selectors.

  • The 5th<li> tag in a list
  • A parent tag that has no children

Child Selectors: Direct Child

The class which is present immediately after the parent class is called Direct Child.

If you want to target these direct child there is no need to give a separate name to this element.

They can be accessed as:

#header > p{color: red;}

So here the element pwhich is present after the headercan be targeted simply by using >symbol.

Nth Child Selector:

li:nth-child(5) — This will select 5th element of the list

li:nth-child(even) — This will select all the even elements of the list

li:nth-child(2n+1)— You can also try adding a complex formula inside this nth child ; )



Soumya Patil
Soumya Patil

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